Asiima conducts trainings, every after two months, these training cover several areas: Poultry management and production, Value addition, feed mill and processes, breeding and hatchery management and life skills, among others.
- Poultry management and Production.
Poultry has the potential of transforming lives of people in Uganda. Poultry provides an opportunity to farmers along the entire value chain to cash on the growing population as a big market for its products and byproducts. However, for this to be achieved one must get acquire knowledge in poultry as a business and you require. Asiima brings you both theoretical and practical training starting from brooding, rearing to the sale of the mature birds as well as eggs. The following are some of the topics covered:
- Biosecurity
- Brooder and brooder management
- Routine management of broilers, layers, and improved breeds
- Value addition
Value addition is the further processing, adding value to the products, to elongate their life span. They increase convenience to the consumers. It helps in creating opportunities to market our products and give farmers more money to sustain the ever-increasing demand for products and also mitigates losses farmers go through while trying to sell the traditional products. These are some of the topics covered:
- Value added products.
- Markets and marketing
- Procedures for simple slaughter
- Feed mill and processing
Feed is 60 -70% of the cost of producing commercial poultry. Feed is a major constraint to producing poultry products. Compounded (mixed) feed is expensive and for this reason several farmers have resorted to home-made feeds.
- Feed Nutrients
- Feed manufacturing process
- Process of mixing feeds at the back yard.
- Types of feed
- Feed storage
- Breeding and Hatchery management
This training is carried out among farmer groups, individuals, students on internship. This training is aimed at helping our customers get the most out of their enterprises, we hold regular trainings for hatchery at our headquarters at Kyaliwajjala, Ochola Close, Eden road and the feed mill training is done in Luwero.
Dr. Okoth Ochola Godfrey is always looking to share his knowledge and experience with our customers and clients, to help them maximize their hatchery performance. Asiima offers a variety of theory and practical training courses running for periods ranging from one month to six weeks. However, we also have tailor made sessions on request by our clients up to a minimum of two weeks.
We provide hatchery management courses, and the topics include:
- Biosecurity at the hatchery
- Observance of single flow of processes in the hatchery
- Setting, candling, hatching sorting, vaccinations, and dispatch of day-old chicks.
- Market and marketing of the day-old chicks.
- Troubleshooting hatching processes.
- Life Skills
These are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable humans to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. This section of the training is mainly achieved by our partners AVSI Foundation. They look at the day-to-day challenges of life, how to overcome these challenges and live healthy lives and relationships