In 2018 the feed mill was expanded, modified, and transferred to Luwero. In the mill, we produced quality and nutritious feeds for the proper growth of your poultry. The fully equipped mill produces over 230 metric tons of poultry feeds and concentrates per month. However, we also customize for our clients like pig feeds, turkey feeds, breeder feeds, among others.
The feeds and concentrates are packaged in 50kgs, 25kgs, 10 kgs, and 1kg. These are both in Pellet and Mash form.
Mash Feeds
Broiler Starter Mash
Broiler Finisher Mash
Chick & Duck Mash
Layer Grower Mash
Pre-Layer mash
Layer Mash
Pellet feeds
Broiler Starter Crumble
Broiler Grower Pellet
Broiler Finisher Pellet
Concentrate Feeds
Broiler starter Concentrate
Broiler Finisher Concentrate
Grower Concentrate
Layer concentrate
Chick & Duck concentrate
Breeder Concentrate
Turkey Concentrate
These feeds can be acquired from any of our outlets at Shoppers Stop Plaza, behind Shoprite Entebbe road Shop No. AG12, at the headquarters in Kyaliwajjala, Namugongo, Ochola Close, Eden road, our Gulu outlet at Olailong road, Gulu City or even buy directly from our mill factory in Kasana, Luwero.